viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

FlyBat: flappy bat racing game

¿Eres capaz de esquivar los troncos? Disfruta de este sencillo juego independiente controlando a este simpático murciélago con solo tocar la pantalla de tu dispositivo. Sin pagos, registros ni membresías. Juega completamente gratis en cualquier dispositivo.

- Este juego requiere de conexión a internet.
- Contiene Anuncios integrados.

Get on Google Play Store

Are you able to dodge logs? Enjoy this simple independent game controlling this nice bat by touching the screen of your device. No payments, registrations or memberships. Play completely free on any device.

- This game requires internet connection.
- Contains Integrated Ads.

© Warhammer Games - 2017


martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016


¿Cuántos puntos puedes hacer?  Download it now from Google Play Store.


¡OSMOSIS es simple de jugar y entretenido, todo un reto! Toca las Células Verdes para que se multipliquen antes de que se llene la pantalla de VIRUS. Acumula OSMOSIS para tener una mayor puntuación y trata de romper tu propio récord o el de alguien más. Evita a toda costa tocar los virus que cada vez se mueven más rápido conforme realices OSMOSIS, porque cuando llegues a los tres intentos, se acaba el juego. Pero no te preocupes allí estarán los ANTIVIRUS para ayudarte y despejar la zona si las cosas se complican.

- Este juego es una versión gratis apta para todo el público de los diferentes países del mundo.
- Su único fin es de entretener a las masas.
- NO es necesario registrarse, ni comprar, ni vender nada en lo absoluto.
- Este juego posee anuncios integrados.
- No olvides comentar o dar sugerencias.
- Y si el juego te gusto, por favor compártelo con tus amigos y familia.

Download it now from Google Play Store.

How many points can you make?

OSMOSIS is simple to play and entertaining, quite a challenge! Touch the Green Cells to multiply before the VIRUS screen fills. Accumulate OSMOSIS to get a higher score and try to break your own record or someone else's. Avoid at all costs touch the viruses that are moving faster as you perform OSMOSIS, because when you reach the three attempts, the game is over. But do not worry there will be ANTIVIRUS to help you and clear the area if things get complicated.

- This game is a free version suitable for all the public of the different countries of the world.
- Its only purpose is to entertain the masses.
- You do not need to register, buy or sell anything at all.
- This game has built-in ads.
- Do not forget to comment or give suggestions.
- And if the game you like, please share it with your friends and family.

Enjoy it.
© OSMOSIS by Warhammer Copyright - 2016. All Rights Reserved.

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2016


RPG, Action, Adventure, RTS, sports ... No matter what kind of games you are pleasing, this game will be a challenge for you, either to demonstrate your skills or simple entertainment, Masteroid © will become a good way to time passes, or maybe not.

One level, one way to play, highly simple, and highly difficult.

Will you be able to destroy all the objects that threaten your city? Well ... We'll never know if you never try. With only the computer mouse, you must destroy the rain of missiles, asteroids and Masteroids from space, just give clicks the object and destroy it, cinch. Of course, assuming you're fast enough to destroy them all and without any touch the city.

This standalone game or "Indie", claiming to be a challenge for players of any country, gender or age. Whether you want to spend some time entertaining yourself, or want to see your friends get angry with this game and make fun of them or a simple entertaining to put your kids to have some fun game, no matter, I assure you that for the moment no there has been no one who has been complete yet, and if you do I assure you are one of those unique and hard to find players.
Tap on objects falling from the sky, and do not let any way touch the city to defend it.

- Asteroids: The most common standard objects game.
- Missiles: The fastest of all and always appear in groups.
-Masteroids: Very slow and difficult to destroy, you need to Tap them many times to destroy them.

If a single object touches the main road of the city, the game ends. No extra payments, and free to download. We hope you like!

And remember: Do not forget to save and load the game so you do not miss your score!

No Pay, No Taxes, Get the Game for FREE from the Google Play Store: Download Masteroid - FREE


Get the Game for FREE from the Google Play Store: Download Masteroid - FREE


Be the best with the highest record of the game, beat you friends tapping as fast as possible.

 Get the Game for FREE from the Google Play Store: Download Masteroid - FREE